Tower Six – Brenden J.G. “Bing” Simpson

The Foolish People “audio ritual” Ten Towers continues, with Tower Six – Brenden J.G. “Bing” Simpson.

Download here.

(Watch out for Tower 5, with yours truly, coming soon).

1 Comment

  1. “Brenden J.G. “Bing” Simpson was a Canadian presenter, writer, and musician whose career lasted from 1999 until his disappearance. He was especially famous for his work in the musical duo The Young Jungs. Jazz musician Phil Lectrum has described Simpson as being “the first hip white person born north of Infictive County.”

    It is a lie. A Cold Coated Lie!

    “Bing” is not white… Brenden Simpson is a proud African-Canadian Mulatto. The Afri-Can Movement that he founded and sponsers with generous donations from his Google Ad Sense profits has had a profound effect on diffusing racism in Infictive County. (Yes, There have been some problems with the Infictive County Buddhist community over what they claim are anti Buddist sentiments coming from the ACM, but these Allegations are unproven.)

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