Alex Burns resigns as Site Editor of Disinfo

From today’s Disinfo newsletter:

Disinformation launched in October 2007 a new “user-driven” version of our site which gives Disinfonauts more freedom and flexibility to post news, vote for stories, and feedback. We’ve been thrilled at your response which continues to grow in recent weeks: YouTube clips, commentary on breaking issues and more. As part of the next phase, I’m stepping down from my past role as site editor to pursue some other projects in the coming months which you can keep track of at my personal site Publisher Gary Baddeley, Ralph Bernardo and the rest of the Disinformation team will continue this newsletter in a weekly format, with news on Disinformation’s 2008 releases and events, including the new book You Are Still Being Lied To. When Richard Metzger and Gary Baddeley asked me to write for Disinformation in 1998 it was a truly life-changing experience. I’ve been lucky since November 1999 to collaborate with writers and other Disinfonauts in an editorial role. I look forward to seeing the Disinformation community grow more with your insights and support. If the agenda-setting media gives you 3 viewpoints, and our earlier versions gave you 30, I hope to see this bloom with the new “user-driven” Disinformation into 3 million.

You’ll be missed, Alex.


  1. Disinfo still has a site?

  2. Looks like it’s disable at least in some parts. But give them a while. They’ve always kept an eye on future, so although I’m not convinced of new site at all (it looks more like flash news service than counterculturpaedia), I hope to see it’s development.

  3. disinfo hasn’t been interesting in years.

    30 million viewpoints just means championed mediocrity, which was already evident with 30.

  4. What’s saddest is that it seemed to me that Disinfo was this marvelous summary of everything cool in the ’90’s, and thus peaked in 2000 with the Disinfo.con. They never regained that moment in the subsequent 8 years. It’s not entirely their fault; culture has swung so far right in that time that it’s only now starting to swing back, and it’s still right of center. One could argue that’s when you need the muckrakers most, but that’s a dangerous proposition for what is still a business. Recent comments by Metzger lead me to believe he’s been seduced by the money train if he wasn’t at the get-go; I don’t think there’s any coming back from that. Too bad.

  5. I tend to find pretty good links at the new Disinfo Digg-esque site.

    Costumeoff – Metzger hasn’t worked at Disinfo in years. I’m not sure when his official departure was. I hear he works in marketing in LA now.

    That makes Alex’s departure all the more sad to me, as he was sort of the last of the “old” guard.

    But hey, stasis is death.

  6. Did Metzger split from Disnfo cleanly? I notice that on his Facebook page he has Kembra Pfahler, Alex Burns, and Mark Pesce as his friends but Disinfo COO Ralph Bernardo has Rushkoff, Alexandra Bruce but they do not have mutual friends.

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