Steve Gerber, R.I.P.

howard the duck

Stephen Ross Gerber was born in St. Louis on September 20, 1947. A longtime fan of comic books, he was involved in the ditto/mimeo days of fanzine publishing in the sixties, publishing one called Headline at age 14. He had a by-mail friendship with Roy Thomas, who was responsible for the most noteworthy fanzine of that era, Alter Ego. Years later when Roy was the editor at Marvel Comics, he rescued Steve from a crippling career writing advertising copy, bringing him into Marvel as a writer and assistant editor. Steve soon distinguished himself as one of the firm’s best writers, handling many of their major titles at one time or another but especially shining on The Defenders, Man-Thing, Omega the Unknown, Morbius the Living Vampire, a special publication about the rock group Kiss…and of course, Howard the Duck.

Full Story: New From Me.

(via Trevor Blake).


  1. Howard the Duck was one of the most comical spiritual laugh-fests ever. Steve Gerber was a wonderful writer with an array of nuanced characters and plots worthy of any esteemed literary form. Condolences to the family and friends. Goddess Bless.

  2. Loved his stuff and his whole approach to the medium. Such a shame. He did alot of grassroots work in favour of creator’s rights and will be missed. He made an impact on a notoriously shyster-ish and hustler-y industry. RIP


    Great and very heartflet summation by Steven Grant over at Comic Book Resources.

    If you’re on Facebook, join the Howard the Duck for ’08 campaign group; it’s smokin’– it’s smokin’ QUACK!

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