Female genital mutilation on the rise in Britain

Female genital mutilation, commonly associated with parts of Africa and the Middle East, is becoming a growing problem in Britain despite efforts to stamp it out.


Police say they don’t have comprehensive statistics about the number of victims. But midwife Comfort Momoh, who specializes in treating them at London hospitals and clinics and who works with police, told the news conference she treats 400 to 500 victims every year.

Arranging or carrying out the procedure – in Britain or abroad – is a criminal offense punishable by up to 14 years in prison, but no one has been prosecuted since it was banned under British law in 2003, Jeffrey said. Police estimate up to 66,000 girls in Britain face the risk of genital mutilation.

Full Story: Associated Press on MSNBC.


  1. I actually found out about it from the OVO blog, but wanted to find a better source.

    Interesting discrepancy between the numbers cited by the AP and the Daily Mail:

    “By conservative estimates, 66,000 women and girls living in Britain have been mutilated.” – Daily Mail.

    “Police estimate up to 66,000 girls in Britain face the risk of genital mutilation.” – AP

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