Blake wrote of how he and Duncan had been ‘harassed here to the point of absurdity’ by people who were so ‘paranoid’ that it made him ‘laugh.’ He said that they had been ‘defamed by crazy Scientologists,’ threatened and followed by ‘their thugs.’ (The Church of Scientology has denied any knowledge of the couple.) He wrote of how New York was starting to seem like the place for them to be, a place where they could speak ‘freely’ to ‘exceptional people’ and get their projects started.
Meanwhile, Hollywood, Blake said, was ‘under a pathetic right-wing invasion’ by the Bush administration and ‘extremist religious groups.’ He mentioned a couple of media companies with obvious Republican leanings. And then he said, ‘They are even running ads on the Cartoon Network recruiting people to be in the CIA!’
He spoke of how he was beginning to realize that his work had the ‘power to influence’ a global audience without the need for ‘corporate backing.’ ‘I am starting to see this as a very powerful thing,’ he said. ‘Almost miraculous. Best, J.B.’
(via Robot Wisdom).
More info: Rigorous Intuition. (Starting with July 24th entry).