Weekly World News Shutting Down

Bob Greenberger, an editor with Weekly World News, reports on his blog that he and the rest of the staff were called into a meeting about noon on Friday where they were “told the Board of Directors has chosen to close Weekly World News. The reasons given make no sense. We’re stunned and shell-shocked. We’re to stay on through August 3, finishing the reprint issues and then we’re done. A glorious, funny, odd publication, born in 1979, will go out with a whimper and all I can think is that something’s going on that they’re not telling us because it just doesn’t make sense.”

Full Story: SF Scope.

(via Hit and Run).


  1. Suck!

  2. I really had a strange affection for the WWN. I’ll never forget the time I laughed so hard at the sheer insanity of an article that I passed out? and was abducted by aliens.


  3. For amount of sheer BS, our current administration makes WWN look like The New England Journal of Medicine.

    WWN will be missed, though.
    “World War 2 Bomber Found On The Moon!”

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