MonthAugust 2005

Fun Footage of Genocidal Destruction

I generally view First World kvetching re: World War II as so much white liberal guilt. To argue that the average “man on the street” didn’t have a stake in making sure the most efficiently reactionary conglomerate met doom with all necessary speed seems like arguing that women in Kabul don’t have a stake in smashing Taliban remnants.

That said: “Thou shalt not drop an atom bomb or even shit one out in the first place.” I find it interesting to view a landscape completely flattened by the technology of total terror. If shown to 10th graders, I find myself wondering how opinions might fall on this. Anyone who can see something like this and still bleat sheep-like 20/20 hindsight defenses of the US Gov’s seems to have stepped outside of this “reality” I keep hearing about.

Sixty years on and humanity still seems completely intent on obliterating itself. Like fish in water, we rarely reflect consciously and fully on the madness of nuclear weaponry. Not content to merely scorch hundreds of thousands of Japanese men and women out of existence, the Sons of Oppenheimer continued churning out their abortions by the truckload. Destroying the entire human race once over became unimpressive in the context of military competition. It became necessary to murder humanity several times over.

Still, you have to wonder about anyone who thinks this a better use of money than say, food, shelter and education for the world’s population. The fact that such ideas lie so far outside of “serious politics” should represent proof enough of political power as inseparable from logic of its own carnage.

Check this site out and see if you don’t shiver with terror. Hiroshima Film Cover-Up Exposed See also: AlterNet Article

Northern Light

Tony was in town, I found out through his blog too late, but we managed to hook up for drinks and healing herbs before he took the plane back up to his northern abode. We should have taken it a sign when our cosmo-personal speculations interpretations and effusions were interrupted by a swarm of speed-daters and were cast out into the night pulled along by Tony’s dog Aurora that our meeting would end fuzzed out by beer and the voices of karaoke angels.

Fuck Work

This article by Mark Morford corresponded and expanded on my internal state of late, as I ponder my present situation and future as a over-educated and under-skilled wage slave lorded over by corporate borg people, every bodily and mental fluctuation measured by increasingly Matrix-like productivity software if the cubicle farm was a work camp, as lines of flight open up and flower with the grace of Allah. This is pretty good too.

Homeless Wisdom

I was kind of tripped out reading this article about Jorn Barger – blog pioneer and man behind the great Robot Wisdom blog – a while back. Jorn as a homeless blogger wearing a Google cap and carrying a panhandler sign that reads “Coined the term ‘weblog,’ never made a dime.” This scene signifies something, but I don’t know what.

Narratives and nascent technologies.

Telling stories around the fire in our extopian future.

Hiatus From The Hiatus

Back to the blogs after my little holiday tracing the gunrunning trails of Rimbaud’s post-poetry exile for a prose poem comissioned by Harper’s . . . more like excruciating editing on my novel of my wayward small-town youth, slowing picking away at it on sober nights, until I’m sick of being boiled alive in this cube i call home during this record hot summer of war until I can’t take it anymore and am forced out into the streets and into the bar where I brainstorm and bullshit which could be loosely called New World Disorder 2.0 (set for release in 2012). OK. Outta the way, bitch. I have a few posts to get off of my chest.

Media Mirror

I am just testing this out, seeing as how I am going to be part of an Uber-elite troupe holding down the Technoccult fort while it’s baron heads off to Washington and Oregon for a couple weeks. And for the record, Oregon is my favourite U.S. state thus far.

So anyhow, for anyone interested in information management and communication, you may want to check out information aesthetics. Here we see an installation at NYU of 200-plus cable tv channels all being streamed together and arranged into a real-time mosaic representation of the persons that stand in front of it:

I am not going to extrapolate on why I find this so cool, but trust in the fact that it is a sweet-ass mataphor for stuff. I remember a bit from Angel Tech, by Antero Alli, where he talks about the nature of the psychopath in people. That, in the West, people tend to be a culmination of approximately 22 per cent individual experience, that which shapes their own personal Gestalt, perspectives, and emotional responses to events. The remaining 78 per cent is dogma: social means, peers, culture and subculture, family, schooling, et cetera.

I have always liked this ratio. Though I cannot prove its accuracy, some days I tend to believe that this is true, and other days I find myself sympathising with Colin Wilson’s claim and research that only about 5 per cent of people are capable of any sort of psychotic achievement of seperating themselves from the dogma and achieving at least 51 per cent individual, out-voting the social means and taking beautiful responsibility for one’s own actions unto themself.

Over and out.

Welcome to the mic…

OK, I’m out of here. Jason Lubyk‘s breaking his blogging hiatus to guest blog, along with Lucifer Benway, Fell, and salaTHRUStra.

The hermeticism of the Teletubbies

I’ve heard this show is pretty, uh, “drugged out”… but I’d never heard of hermetic references. I’ve never seen the show.

Was it really necessary, for example, to so exactly portray the hideous ecstasies of the Tzog-Murtha ritual? A glistening vortex activates and the beings moan ?Uh oh,? their eyes droop with bliss and they fall on their backs in technocosmic delirium. After the ?big hug? (is no blasphemy to be hidden from the world?s toddlers?) they clamber up ?a hill? and stand in the loose spectral formation, their antennae illuminated by the transmission and their belly monitors sparking with static from the Outer Spheres, as they await the Chosen One. It is rare indeed for even the most determined investigators into this abominable rite to have witnessed it unflinchingly portrayed in such comprehensive and graphic detail.

Full Story: Hyperstition: TV Demonism

Are today’s children raised with occultism?

Last minute request for Technoccult guest blogger (filled)

I’m leaving on vacation tomorrow, and I’ve kept forgetting to see if anyone wanted to guest blog while I’m away. So if anyone’s interested, comment here or e-mail [redacted]

Update: I think we’ve got it covered now.

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