Aping Hindu rituals to a T, a monkey appeared at an Orissa temple, prayed for an hour folding its hands in the traditional sign of respect, took prasad, put vermilion on its forehead – and then fled.
Sad and strange:
An Indianapolis father is appealing a Marion County judge’s unusual order that prohibits him and his ex-wife from exposing their child to “non-mainstream religious beliefs and rituals.”
Reminds me of the Post-Waco fiasco bumper sticker “Does the government approve of your religion?”
Full Story: Indy Star: Judge: Parents can’t teach pagan beliefs
(via American Samizdat)
I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but this looks promising:
We’ve gotten close before, with the Gaia Hypothesis, but just missed it. The Gaia Hypothesis showed the entire Earth as one large living organism, but failed to show it as an intelligent organism. Highlife Theory shows it as an extremely intelligent organism.
Highlife Theory: Examining the Possibility of Life on Earth
(via Vortex Egg)
Thinking about generational issues made me dig up this old Grant Morrison quote from the online Filth letters pages. In response to someone talking about “the next generation” of magicians, Morrison says “THERE’S ONLY ONE GENERATION. I’M GLAD TO SEE THAT IT NEVER DIES.”
Still haven’t had time to really check this site out, but I thought I’d share it anyway:
His Serene Wisdom, Charles W. Cosimano, Master of Psionics, Archmagus and Troublemaker to the Gods, was born on 25, August, 1949, at 10:35 PM in Chicago, Illinois, USA. (WARNING!!! CASTING HIS HOROSCOPE IS VERY DANGEROUS. THE LAST PERSON WHO DID IT GAVE BIRTH TO TWINS AND HE WAS NOT EVEN PREGNANT!)
More: The personal website of Charles W. Cosimano, Master of Psionic
Update: Here’s his new site
(thanks Brennio).
A collection of Borges’s imaginary works, complete with covers:
The Crimson Hexagon: Books Borges Never Wrote
Learn Tarot is a practical online course in tarot reading, using the Raider-Waite deck.
The Hermitage is an excellent collection of articles and essays about the history of tarot. Of particular note are the history of the Marseilles deck and history of the magician card. The trump histories include images from many historical decks. Exactly the sort of site I’ve been hoping to come across.
LBRP and Banishing thread on Barbelith, which leads me to:
History of the LBRP’s use in this Kabbalah FAQ:
This particular exercise is derived from the practice of saying the Sh’ma ‘before lying down’ – the ‘kriyat (bedtime) Sh’ma’… The attributes listed in the so-called ‘Qabbalistic Cross’ comes from Psalm 99, verse 5, and are part of the Shachrit (morning) Torah service…. The attributes assigned for the movements are not traditional, and the order has been changed….You might also note that many Jews coming across the LBRP are deeply offended that the liturgy has been so grossly distorted, and is being used (from their perspective) sacreligiously.
Also found on the ‘lith:
Apparently a hoax: Zombie Outbreak in Cambodia (can’t find this in the bbc archives or any other reference to it on google news… and it just sounds crazy)
(via Hyperstition).
Apparently real: It rained shrimp in California saw something about this on the Cabal yesterday, found this story on Google News.
And an old link from Slashdot: Bacteria programmed to act like computer.
In its apparent never-ending thirst for increased cash flow the so-called ?Kabbalah Centre,? run by the Philip Berg family of California and favored by Madonna, has launched a new energy drink.
The ?Kabbalah Energy Drink? is sold in a red; white and blue can and produced through the same company that puts out 7 Up.
Full Story: Cult News: Kabbalah Centre energy drink banking more on buzz from celebrities than caffeine
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