Paul Laffoley Paranoia Magazine Interview

Longish interview with Paul Laffoley in Paranoia Magazine:

RG: The painting you’re working on now is about Lovecraft?

PL: It’s called “Pickman’s Mephitic Models,” based on the story. Certain things about it many people don’t realize. Pickman was a real painter who lived between 1888 and 1926. Now, there’s a question mark [gesturing toward the writing in the margins of the painting], because Lovecraft claims that he turned into a ghoul. God knows how old he is now.

Full Story: Paranoia Magazine: Satan, God, H.P. Lovecraft and Other Mephitic Models: An Interview With Paul Laffoley

(via New World Disorder)

1 Comment

  1. did you see this: “he had this quirky thing of not believing in gravity. And giving me a constant headache about that one. He would say if I showed any interest in gravity, I was becoming a dupe of the system. He could see indications I was beginning to believe in it.”

    fits into this:,0,5033720.story?coll=la-home-headlines

    where it says this: “At first, Anderson figured there must be a simple explanation. Maybe there was a malfunction on board the spacecraft. Maybe his calculations were wrong.

    Shy, bookish and soft-spoken, Anderson was not the type to call a news conference to announce that two U.S. spacecraft appeared to be disobeying the physical laws of the universe.”

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