Welcome to the Technoccult blog roll

I’ve added a few new people to the blog roll, please welcome: LVX23, Mindwarp, the Invisible College, Dehiscence, and Vortex Egg. Someone really should host all these blogspot blogs. I’d do it, but I’m so flakey about keeping my hosting and domain name registration paid up…


  1. unless I upgrade my account (dreamhost.com has a tempting sale going on, I just need to see if I can afford 2 years up front before it’s over), I can only take one more domain, but I can add up to 15 subdomains.

    If anybody wants to register a domain to be hosted, or wouldn’t mind yourblog.sauceruney.com, I can share some space. You’d have FTP access, MySQL, PHP, and CGI/PERL capability, as well as POP/web-based email. 100 megs of storage. I can take three people, total.

  2. Yo Klint… Thanks for the linkage, and for the always cool Technoccult.

  3. You know… Klint’s right. We really should have a community occulture site. I considered adding users to madghoul.com for a while (at least to the blog section), but my plans for madghoul stretch a little further than just a blog.

    I even considered setting up a new domain, but I’ve been stuck on three work projects (and attempting to find a new job). Plus I still have a lot of focus on Blogenstein.com (which is almost completely off the ground).

    I know Wes and I had a lot of fun guest-blogging, and it would be interested to see what comes up from a community blog.

    What I would like to know, is how many of you guys would participate if I registered a domain and set up the hosting? Wes? Klint? Chris? Lapo? Sauceruney? Anyone?

    I would be willing to put the resources out there and host the domain, but I’d have to have insurance that we’ll have bloggers. I don’t want to end up with a madghoul.com part II.

    In addition, there’s the question of which weblog software to use. Moveable Type is charging now. Blosxom is still free (I use it myself), and has a lot of the same features, but I would have to hack the code a little for user logins, etc. It’s do-able, but what other options are there?

    Post here, or email me.

  4. I’d try to post at least once a week. I’ve mentioned before it’d be nice to have a new community blog to replace STARE.

  5. Oh, and regarding software, I recommend WordPress. Free, open source, feature rich, and has unlimited authors.

  6. If we go through with this, we’ll need a snazzy domain name. So anyone that’s interested, keep that in mind also.

  7. WordPress looks nice. I’m going to play with it a little and see how it compares.

  8. Yeah, I’ve been trying to get other authors on The Corridor for a while, and still am… so if anybody wants a spot there’s availability chez moi. Guesting stint anyone?
    On the other hand, I’d also gladly come on board on another site. Once a week sounds like something I could commit to.

    I’m thinking about WordPress too… I was almost going to pay for MT, but the limited number of authors means they can go fuck themselves.
    Might migrate in the near future, especially since the redesign of my MT templates fell through.

    As far as a domain name, I do have chapelperilous.org kicking around doing nothing (yet), but it probably wouldn’t work for a blog — there’s already a blog called Chapel Perilous, as you guys know (I didn’t when I registered it). I’ll keep some synapses on the lookout for newer and exciting names…

  9. I agree with Mindwarp about MT. I’m going to be migrating in future. My next blog, a blog about coffee, is going to be Word Press. Also looking at using Drupal.

    I wouldn’t mind joining up at a blog that’s already existing.

    And no, I don’t think Bsti would be pleased if we started a new group blog called chapelperilous.org =)

  10. We should pick a name that has some commonality among all of us, but at the same time could be rather obscure.

    We all pretty much read the same genres, and are familiar with the same authors, ideas, folklore, etc.

    Is there something obscure out there that we might be overlooking that hasn’t been registered yet?

    I’m sure Wes will have something in mind. Wes?

  11. I hate to say what it shouldn’t be, rather than what it should, but can we rule out Philip K. Dick and HP Lovecraft references? Nothing against them, just seems they’re a bit played out at the moment.

  12. How about Nova Express? It was a Burroughs novel and the name of the newspaper in Watchmen. novaexpress.com and .net are taken, but .org and others are available, and so is thenovaexpress.com

  13. I wouldn’t mind keeping the domain in the *.com top level. *.net would be fine, but I think we should stay away from *.org.

    I agree with the Dick and Lovecraft assessment. And personally something like nyarlathotep.com just doesn’t roll off the tongue very well.

  14. I’d definitely like to get away from Blogspot. Blaxsun has a lot of cool features… Not sure about the others besides MT.

    I personally tend to post pretty heavily – 3-10 posts a day (though that usually drops on the weekends). Occasionally I like to post to Boing Boing with a link back to my site to siphon some of their traffis.

    I think it could be really cool to have a group blog with lots of content. We all seem to have similar tastes… I’d be into Nova Express (though I always wanted to do something with Morrison’s “Key 23”).

  15. I have b2evolution waiting for me to mess with the CSS and templates. If not for a misunderstanding, it would have been installed in less than 5 minutes. No problem to set up anywhere.

    This has really taken off in a direction I didn’t expect, but totally agree with.

    off the top of my head… sensechal.com is available

    seneschal n : the chief steward or butler of a great household [syn: major-domo]

    the household being one without a head, yet we pay reverence to our unknown master(s) by maintaining it.

    Like I said… it was a word off the top of my head.

  16. senESchal.com (damn dyslexic typos)

  17. I’ve been fiddling with WordPress every since Klint mentioned it. I like it a lot. It’s a GLP’ed blogging utility on par with Moveable Type. Very nice, and easy to use.

    To be honest, if we get the domain name worked out to our liking, we could get the site up in under a week. WordPress installs in about 10 minutes. And then we can change the Look and Feel all we want.

    I can hack just about anything in the code to customize it for any of our additional needs. What do you guys think?

    I like Key 23 (key23.com maybe). I was even thinking of lifting Morrison’s “Counting to None” (countingtonone.com). I don’t know.

    The trick, I think, is going to be to have a domain that you can say to someone without having to spell it for them. Agree? Disagree?

    Was seneschal used in a comic book or something? Sounds familiar.

    Some of these domain names are going to need some batting around to find something that we can all agree on. If anyone uses IM, my AOL id is madghoul2012 and my yahoo id is madghoul@prodigy.net. I use GAIM as a client so either one is fine.

    Keep the ideas coming. This is great.

  18. Hmm… Key 23. Wasn’t that the chemical that made the afflicted confuse the words with what the words represented? You may be on to something. That sounds better each time I think about it.

  19. It looks like key23.com is taken. I’m not sure about using countingtonone since it’s probably trademarked. I guess Nova Express probably is too.

  20. key23.net is available. And it would be a network of us occult individuals.

    I don’t think trademarks would apply to “counting to none” but I don’t know about “nova express.” We could alway check the trademark registry to be sure. I have it bookmarked somewhere.

  21. key23.com seems to be taken. I like the idea — however, I’m not familiar with the original reference. Data?
    I agree with having a domain name that we wouldn’t have to spell out. I’ll watch for one of those obscure-but-cool names that are surely out there somewhere.

    (to be cont’d)

  22. Klint sez:
    > I wouldn’t mind joining up at a blog that’s already existing

    Would you like an account @ corridorofmadness.com?

    Oh and, Michael: I agree with throwing a site up ASAP and customizing later. Let’s see what we can all come up with in terms of names.

  23. Mindwarp: if everyone else just wants to do corridor of madness, then sure. (how’s that for group think?) but I’d rather just be part of one occulture community blog.

    I’ve just been looking through the track listings on various old industrial albums trying to find an appropriate song title… or maybe lyrics would be better.

  24. Klint> yep, makes sense. Just thought I’d offer.

    I’m looking through books and old text files for names, too…

  25. I was just trying to find something that was reference neutral.

  26. oooh…key23.net. Sweeeet. Key23.com is under construction and appears to be some sort of Florida Keys site. Key23 causes you to hallucinate words as the actual objects those words represent.
    Countingtonone seems a bit too common… What about Eschaton? I do like Nova Express though (if it hasn’t already been used).

  27. Eschaton seems to be taken in .com,net,org

  28. There is a very popular (political) blog called Eschaton (http://atrios.blogspot.com/). As I said, I do like the key23 meme. And a .net domain would be cool, for a change. BTW, once again, where can I find some reference to “key23”? Where does the original idea appear?

    I like Nova Express as well. Results of a quick check: novaexpress .com, .net and .org are taken. nova-express.com is available.

  29. key23.net would be nice…

    mindwarp… Key 23 originally appeared in The Invisibles graphic novel (third volume) where King Mob was being tortured. It appeared later in the last volume.

  30. Looks like there’s a scifi magazine called Nova Express http://www.io.com/~lawrence/nova.html

  31. Thanks, Michael. Haven’t gotten to vol.3 yet… I fell behind. I really like it as a name/concept, though.
    I’m quite happy to go for key23.net if the rest of you guys agree. Or we can keep looking.

  32. I’m all for key23.net as well. Chris seems to like it too. How about the rest of you guys?

    I guess we should give it the weekend to fester – and maybe check for some other ideas. The name should be a unanimous decision.

    Here’s what I have so far: It looks like acknowledged participants would be myself, Klint, Chris, Lapo, and Sauceruney. Correct? Am I missing anyone? And we’re still waiting to here from Wes.

  33. Roger that, will keep checking for other ideas over the weekend.
    Something’s going on with Wes’ site BTW. Can’t seem to access it anymore.

  34. Hey guys–you’re all welcome to set up shop at any of my domains, if you’re not getting your own . . . amsam.org, drmenlo.com, sensuallib.com, etc.

  35. Oh hey . . . that was posted at a fortuitous time . . . RAW would be pleased . . .

  36. Thanks Menlo… but we’re definitely going to setup our own domain. I appreciate the offer – as I’m sure everyone else here does.

  37. These are some comments that got lost during recent comment problems:

    key23.net would be nice…

    mindwarp… Key 23 originally appeared in The Invisibles graphic novel (third volume) where King Mob was being tortured. It appeared later in the last volume.
    Posted by: michael at July 2, 2004 05:41 AM

    Thanks, Michael. Haven’t gotten to vol.3 yet… I fell behind. I really like it as a name/concept, though.
    I’m quite happy to go for key23.net if the rest of you guys agree. Or we can keep looking.
    Posted by: mindwarp at July 2, 2004 12:57 PM

    I’m all for key23.net as well. Chris seems to like it too. How about the rest of you guys?

    I guess we should give it the weekend to fester – and maybe check for some other ideas. The name should be a unanimous decision.

    Here’s what I have so far: It looks like acknowledged participants would be myself, Klint, Chris, Lapo, and Sauceruney. Correct? Am I missing anyone? And we’re still waiting to here from Wes.

    Posted by: michael at July 2, 2004 01:14 PM

    Roger that, will keep checking for other ideas over the weekend.
    Something’s going on with Wes’ site BTW. Can’t seem to access it anymore.
    Posted by: mindwarp at July 2, 2004 04:09 PM

    Hey guys–you’re all welcome to set up shop at any of my domains, if you’re not getting your own . . . amsam.org, drmenlo.com, sensuallib.com, etc.
    Posted by: dr. menlo at July 3, 2004 04:20 PM

    Oh hey . . . that was posted at a fortuitous time . . . RAW would be pleased . . .
    Posted by: dr. menlo at July 3, 2004 04:26 PM

    Thanks Menlo… but we’re definitely going to setup our own domain. I appreciate the offer – as I’m sure everyone else here does.

    Posted by: michael at July 4, 2004 09:39 AM

    Unless there are any objection, I was going to register key23.net for us. It seems that Chris and Lapo are okay with this name. What about you Klint? Sauceruney? Any objections? Let me know.

    Posted by: michael at July 5, 2004 09:52 AM

    sorry y’all, been out of touch & for some reason no one’s email is coming through… seriously odd time for me and it’s possible a vindictive other has messed with my email accounts but enough of that.. i’m interested, very..
    Posted by: wu at July 5, 2004 09:42 PM

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