
Most of us will live our lives without much consideration of these ideas, content to exist as semi-automatons, acting & reacting based on genetics and imprints and the accumulated experiences of our lives without ever questioning these habitual responses to our world. In spite of the brain’s ongoing updates, the perceptions and beliefs of most people will change little after about 30 years of age, barring some sudden traumatic or visionary experience which disrupts their ingrained view of things enough to allow the brain to rewire a new way of seeing the world. Yet the hardware of the brain and the software of the mind is open source. We can each become mind programmers – metaprogrammers – actively rewiring our beliefs and associations towards whatever goal we may have. This is no new revelation and there are many techniques, both modern and archaic, for breaking the mold of belief and mapping novel associations in the brain.

Future Hi: The Self as Metaprogrammer posted by Chris over at LVX23 for Future-Hi.


  1. You guys need a music section.

  2. My bad. Should have told you I meant a music section for your *links*. You’ve already got a music section going on. 😉

    A work in progress…

  3. The full text of Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer is available online:

  4. Actually, the full text of Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer is available online at Future Hi as well! 🙂 Here is the link:

  5. this is interesting, & I’m working through it now.
    I’d suggest looking into the work of Semir Zeki, esp. in regards to the chronoarchitecture of the brain and visual information processing

    oh, & acidexia, I’m diggin real

  6. Acidexia, I’ve thought about adding a music section to the links section. Editing it down will be a bitch, though. Maybe when I get back to Wyoming. The links need some updating in general…

  7. We also need a mini-bar… wait, it’s my work that needs the mini-bar. Umm… nevermind. It’s been a long day.

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