MonthFebruary 2004

RIP Walter Morrison

Activist Walter Morrison, father of Invisibles author Grant Morrison has passed away.

Evening Times: Community hero Walter loses his final battle

(via New World Disorder)

Shows that mention witchcraft no longer eligible for closed-captioning

A Department of Education panel has decided to stop funding captioning for television shows that mention witchcraft, inluding: Scooby Doo and Malcom in the Middle

Neil Gaiman:

(via Boing Boing)

Talking to bacteria

A team at University of California, Los Angeles has found a way to communicate with bacteria through chemical signals.

Liao’s team persuaded the cells to make GFP simply as a convenient way to show that the acetate trigger was working. But in principle, they could use the acetate signal to trigger cells to do something more practical, such as making hydrogen or producing poisons to kill off diseased cells.

“You could use this approach as a Trojan horse idea to combat disease,” says Jeff Hasty, who works on gene modules at the University of California, San Diego. Modified cells of pathogenic bacteria could be introduced into a natural colony of the same cells, he says. Then, at a given chemical signal, the modified cells could be told to produce compounds that would kill off the bacteria.

Full Story: Nature:

(via Smart Mobs)


From the Social Fiction blog February 11 (couldn’t find a permalink)

eski! consider this; when nationality is a psychogeographical quality this implies that nationality is a shattered all over the place. This opens up the possibility that your nationality is an array of PML data that descibe places where you feel at home, or are at least attracted to. Once you have established you nationality like this (which of course can change over time both because the place changes & because the things you are attracted to change) you can locate your homeland abroad by matching your PML nationality to the existing datasets. Nationality as geocaching!

What the drugs taught me…

What the Drugs Taught Me

What the Drugs Taught Me. An old favorite from The Stranger

Laptop aesthetics

I don’t think I posted this before:

happy mistakes, digital glitches, brand madness, illustration’s cul-de-sac anti-design faux-Baroque laptop design

Eye Magazine: Angela Lorenz

(via Abe)

Angela Lorenz home page

Would Abe and Tobias fall under this category?

Adaptive design

I finished reading Dan Hill’s Insanely great, or just good enough? and of course, my reading list just got longer:

Tom Moran on Everyday Adaptive Design

Adaptive Design Presentation

Just Say Yes to Performance-enhancing Drugs

A column about performance-enhancing drugs on Better Humans:

While competitive chess players probably wouldn’t benefit from anabolic steroids, since most chess pieces aren’t that heavy, they can benefit from drugs that enhance cognitive performance. The list is broader than you think. While interviewing an ICF medical commission doctor a few years back, I learned that at least one chess competitor plays better drunk.

Better Humans: Just Say Yes to Performance-enhancing Drugs

DMT, Moses, and the Quest for Transcendence

Cliff Pickover:

DMT in the pineal glands of Biblical prophets gave God to humanity and let ordinary humans perceive parallel universes.

Full Story: Cliff Pickover: DMT, Moses, and the Quest for Transcendence

(via TechnoShamanic)

Trippy architecture

Auto Braids / Auto Breeding. The body and its double

(via Beverly Tang).

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