Interesting stuff in the blogosphere

Abe’s notes on Tokion Magazine’s Creativity Now Conference: “… design has over taken British culture, its replacing advertising as a way to sell product.”

A design article by Adam and a conversation about it on Margin Walker.

danah’s thoughts about Burning Man, plus her notes on Commonwealth Club talk on dating in contemporary urban cultures. “Rather than finding the best person for us, look for the person that we could spend the rest of our life trying to make happy. When two people are devoted to making each other happy, the relationship would work.”


  1. Even more interesting is the sudden disappearance of Perhaps it’s just Liam and I.

  2. I posted a bit about this on Stare… I let my account lapse… short version: There was a problem with my payment, they couldn’t reach me, I thought it was paid, I spent all my money on Burning Man related expenses. I actually just got done paying my bill so it should be back tomorrow or Monday, I imagine.

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