St Jude (Mondo 2000 goddess, writer, artist, hackstress) has passed away

Hacker and former Mondo 2000 editor St. Jude passed away this morning at 3am.

I was going to try to contact her sometime this week to try to get permission to post an old article she wrote in Mondo. I hadn’t heard that she had cancer. Her work was brilliant, and it will be sorely missed.



  1. hi
    just read about st jude-depressing. I got turned on to mondo 2000 in 1993 and loved most of it-alot of the musical techno details i could do without. had a subscription for a long time, but kept moving between countries so lost touch with the mag. i’ve tried to find out if it is still in circulation, but the mag stores i’ve been to never heard of it leading me to believe it folded.if you have any info on this can you let me know?


  2. is Mondo 2000 still around? let me know, it will be greatly appreciated. I only found out about it from a back issue i found somewhere a few months ago.

  3. Nope, it ceased publication in the early or mid 90s. Most of their staff got hired by Wired, I think.

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