“These slices were sectioned and mounted at the University of Iowa, after MR imaging at the University of Illinois.”
University of Illinois: Histology of the Human Tongue
(via Obscurantist)
“These slices were sectioned and mounted at the University of Iowa, after MR imaging at the University of Illinois.”
University of Illinois: Histology of the Human Tongue
(via Obscurantist)
One of my favorite spots in Seattle – Polygraphic, the experimental electronic night at Thee Aurafice Coffee Bar – has a write-up in the Seattle Times.
I shouldn’t be telling you about Polygraphic. Honestly. You see, to publicize this splendid weekly happening also violates one of those unspoken rules among ink-stained newspaper curmudgeons: Write about things we would be irresponsible to ignore, but keep the really great gems to yourself. I probably shouldn’t have revealed that either.
Will this ruin the scene? I doubt it, though it’s crowded already. Oh well, I rarely go anyway, it’s quite a commute to make on a Tuesday night.
Seattle Times: Beat the weeknight doldrums and just chill at Polygraphic
See also: The Electronic Beat: Polygraphic
Update: Thee Aurafice shut down, and Polygraphic is no more. Read the posthumous reviews on Yelp. And in 2014 There was a vigil for the long gone coffee shop.
Interesting column at Better Humans by James J. Hughes. A biological approach to thinking about love and sex:
Not just lust, but the amorphous ball of feeling called “love” itself is a biochemical phenomenon, amenable to manipulation. In Anatomy of Love, anthropologist Helen Fisher summarizes research arguing that love is composed of three biochemical process. The first process, driven by testosterone, is lust. The second process, infatuation, is controlled by dopamine, norepinephrine and phenylethylamine — amphetamine-like chemicals that produce feelings of euphoria. The lust and infatuation chemicals peak after a year, and for the lucky few relationships that survive their decline a new biochemical response emerges based on oxytocin, vasopression and endorphins, which produce feelings of intimacy, trust and affection.
Better Humans: The Future of Sex
(via Three River Tech Review)
Chaos Matrix is back after months of downtime. Note the new URL:
Here’s a review of a book by Jeremiah J. Sullivan. Sullivan suggests that corporations will need to undergo massive change in order to survive during coming years:
Sullivan has sophisticated strategies for multinationals to survive in this new environment, but they all boil down to his belief that the homo economicus model is inadequate and culture bound, that trust is essential to a thriving economy, and that trust can only exist in a climate of virtue: “A different ethics is needed, and a return to virtue is in order.” He discusses corruption as an issue, but this book was written before Enron and other corporate scandals showed how corrupt major American firms were.
World Future Society: Corporations and the Global Village
See also: Chaordic Commons
(via Abuddha’s Memes)
OK, one more “intro.” This one’s a web presentation on psychogeography:
“Psychogeography could set for itself the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals.” – Guy Debord
See also:
Speaking of Alex Burns, I’ve just started reading Spiral Dynamics by Dr. Don Beck and Chris Cowan which Alex is always recommending. Interesting approach to management. Here’s a short introduction to the theory.
He hasn’t updated it in a while, but it’s worth looking around the archives.
Aspect One: The status and traditional idea of the university is morphing into a new arrangement. Academics are pursuing independent solutions such as Media/Culture, Nettime and Fibreculture instead of the existing journal publishing/tenure-based structure. Research is either being bought up or bubbling out via new forms.
Aspect Two: A cadre of mystics, scholars and thinkers are exploring holonic and integralistic modes of thinking beyond the relativism exalted in the postmodern 1990s. But this isn’t simply due to the Elder Statesmen (and women) of the 1960s consciousness revolution. What’s occuring on the margins is taking quantum leaps (or “qauntum loops”) in strangeness, difficult to capture using age-cohort and social trends techniques. It’s up to a new generation to draw the line and bridge the Boomer/Gen-X/Millennial intergenerational gap.
See also: Alex Burns on the Creation of the Book of Oblique Strategies
Common wisdom in personal networks is “the more connections, the better.” This is not always so. What really matters is where those connections lead to — and how they connect the otherwise unconnected!
Social Network Analysis, A Brief Introduction
(via Kottke)
The blog’s been silent for a while because I’ve been extremely busy and have been waiting to resume posting until I got the new design implemented. But I’ve been having hell getting it in place – technical difficulties with CSS, then with Movable Type, etc. Now my home computer’s having problems so I’m not sure when I’ll get to it. I’ll add a few links over the next couple days, until I get the time and energy to set everything right.
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