New Robort Anton Wilson Material

Robert Anton Wilson’s new book TSOG: The Thing That Ate the Constitution has been released. Also, a documentary about Wilson called Maybe Logic is scheduled to be released this spring.

The film company, Deepleaf Productions, also plans to release a new documentary called Utopia USA featuring Noam Chomsky, Tom Robbins, Robert Anton Wilson, Riane Eisler, RU Sirius, Douglas Rushkoff, John Zerzan, Raymond Smith, Ralph Abraham, David Loye, John Mohawk, Lyn Gerry, John Kekes and Howard Zinn.

1 Comment

  1. Wow! Just checked out the sites of the movies ( Looks to be fantastic stuff. The trailer for Maybe Logic was brilliant. After all these years of reading Robert Anton Wilson, I’m grateful to be able to SEE the man behind the curtain. Bring it on!

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